When the news of the Covid-19 pandemic first hit America in the early months of 2020, it seemed so far removed from our landscape that it was easy to dismiss it as irrelevant to our lives. We could not have been more wrong! Today, while the critical aspects of the pandemic has simmered down in large swaths of the nation, the true longterm impacts of this exceptional event - particularly on babies, children, families, and beyond, remains to be seen. What is certain, however, is that regardless of the conditions of the exterior world, babies and children's brains continue to develop in the context of the environment and people inhabiting their individual microcosms.

There is currently a growing body of evidence that the social and economic stressors of the last 19 months have given rise to higher levels of stress, anxiety and fear across all social strata. The pandemic further exposed that while all families want to provide safe and healthy spaces for their children, enormous disparities in access to resources and social buffers was laid bare, exposing not only a worldwide crisis for humanity, but also, according to Kai von Klitzing, President of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), "the opportunity of carefully reconsidering fairness and solidarity between the generations in our global world."

Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes, we can go forth from this experience better, stronger and more resilient. As IECMH professionals, we continue to expand our knowledge and expertise in helping babies, children and their families to be more confident, empowered and resilient as they proceed into a post-pandemic world.


Please explore the following literature, podcasts, videos and links for more information and tools to help you navigate this brave new world:

Love, Life & The Virus

Watch this short, powerful documentary from PBS/Frontline revealing a mother's fight to survive COVID and see her newborn baby.

AK-AIMH continues to build and strengthen our networks in order to ensure capacity-building is accessible to all of the individuals and agencies supporting Alaska's babies and young children.

Thank you for being a part of our mission!