CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for 2024 - 2027!
Are you interested in advancing the field of infant and early childhood mental health in the State of Alaska? Are you involved in the interdisciplinary practice of infant and early childhood mental health as an OT, SLP, PT, early interventionist, mental health provider, child care provider, social worker, Head Start teacher or coordinator, primary care provider or other related professional?

AK-AIMH is seeking dynamic, motivated, and qualified individuals to join our Board and help us fulfill the exciting new goals outlined in our 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.
Individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and/or regions from all around Alaska are especially encouraged to apply! Criteria for successful applicants include the following:
- Willingness to commit up to 10 hours a month to Board-related meetings and duties
- Serving on at least one committee
- Membership in AK-AIMH
If you meet these criteria and want to take your passion for infant and children's mental health to a new level, you are invited to complete this Board Member Application form. Please direct your questions to: nominations@akaimh.org.
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you!